Omega Team Update From All of Us

Our last few updates have communicated an overall picture of what we have been doing as a team. This update differs slightly in that each team member shares a high, low, and personal prayer request (PR). Thank you for walking with us on this journey in prayer and holding our ropes.


  • High: My high is playing instruments and taking pictures of kids. They’ve asked me to take a lot of their pictures and their smiles are so fun.
  • Low: My low is the nausea I felt a few days ago. Ever since, I haven’t felt 100%, and it’s been frustrating.
  • PR: I would appreciate prayer that I would follow where the Spirit leads me. There’s a lot of things I want to do, but I can’t do them all.


  • High: Getting close with the construction workers, pouring into them and me.
  • Low: I haven’t felt like I am pursuing the Lord 100% on this trip, which is normal when living in a different country. 
  • PR: I get closer to the Lord, and I stay diligent in the ministry that I’m working in. And that I stay focused on what God is leading me to do every day in every moment.


  • High: Over the past few weeks, I have enjoyed seeing the beauty of a new place and culture. The Acholi people were so welcoming and warm to us. It has been a joy getting to know so many of them recently. 
  • Low: Occasionally, I don’t know how to connect with people due to language barriers. I wish to understand and talk with them, but sometimes, we just can’t. It makes me appreciate the translators that are here so much more.
  • PR: I ask that you pray for God to break through barriers and obstacles that hinder me from building relationships with those around me. I ask that you pray for me to have the endurance to continue on when things don’t turn out the way I expect. Finally, I ask that you pray for me to grow in faith in God through the uncertainties which I am faced with each day.


  • High: Seeing God work through the team. At the mechanics where I’m working, I get to see everyone passing by, how they are serving the Lord, and the relationships they are building.
  • Low: My grandfather passed away while I was here, so that has been difficult being away from my family.
  • PR: My family in this time and for the relationships we are building here in Uganda.


  • High: Has been seeing the good and bad parts of global ministry. Having to understand that some people are not willing to listen. But also seeing those who praise the Lord.
  • Low: Seeing the sheer emergency for more workers on the field. The field is ripe for harvest and the workers are few. Those who are laboring are in desperate need of aid from their brothers and sisters in Christ.
  • PR: For all the workers here at Abbanas Hope and their continued faith in God’s provision.



  • High: God has blessed me with a good friend. Paul got saved just two weeks ago. Pastor Benson and I are now having discipleship with him and three other young men.
  • Low: A little Acholi girl just fell from the top of one of the vans, and she had to go to hospital for that.
  • PR: Pray for the four young men in the discipleship and that the little girl will recover well. 


  • High: Getting to worship with the Acholi believers every day. Even though I often don’t know what they’re singing, it’s so wonderful to worship God together with them. Their songs range from lively to slow and worshipful and it all wholly glorifies God. 
  • Low: Being sick last week and missing out on all the things going on. I missed several activities and Bible studies and felt like I was missing opportunities to connect with everyone.
  • PR: Please pray I will know what to say and when to say it—specifically, opportunities to start gospel conversations. Pray for discernment and that God will lead those to my area of service who need comfort or to hear the gospel.


  • High: My high is that I have built a good relationship with Kevin, the Child Development Program manager, and I have learned a lot about her life and the workings of the CDP.  
  • Low: My low is the culture shock that I have been experiencing because I have been missing home a lot. Thankfully, this feeling has been subsiding recently. 
  • PR: Please pray that I continue to grow a stronger bond with Kevin, and that I can make even more relationships with other Acholi people. I also ask that you pray for me to be more comfortable as I experience culture shock.