Omega Week 5 Update

It has been an exciting two weeks on the field in Uganda! Many great opportunities have been granted to us to serve in the ministries on the Abana Hope campus. Some of us have already found a specific ministry set on our hearts, while others are happy to help anywhere and everywhere! 

Luis has taken root at the farm and has made a friend that he disciples often. Gibson has used his mechanical skills to help the mechanics on the campus. Lydia spends a lot of her time in the kitchen assisting the staff. And Rena has spent many days playing with the children in the daycare.  

As we are acclimating to our new environment, some of us have caught what the Acholi people call “flu and cough;” it is like our cold. We are all doing so much better, and Holly has taken great care of us! The flu and cough did not deter our motivation, and once we were all feeling better, we marched back into the community to continue serving.

Alongside working in specific ministries on campus, many of us have jumped at the opportunity to lead devotionals and Bible studies. Anthony has grown comfortable sharing the Word with the men he works with doing construction. Lauren has shared her favorite verse with the teenage girl Bible study group. And Corrin has led a Bible study at a local community center. 

These past two weeks have been joyful, and we have enjoyed our time with the Acholi people. Even though it has only been two weeks on the field, we have made memories and friendships that will last forever. Please continue to pray for us to have chances to share the gospel and build relationships! 

Rena on behalf of Team Omega