Week 9 Update for Omega Uganda

Omega Interns were asked to share their goals for their 40 days in Uganda and if they felt as if they had reached their goals.

Abi: My goal was to learn how to better serve in a cross-cultural setting. I’ve learned a lot from the missionary families here and the people. Knowing more of God’s love and character has helped me serve. 

Anthony: My goal this summer is to be a better version of myself in Christ. To look more like Jesus. This is to be more obedient, disciplined, and able to persevere through trials and hardships better than I have before. Also, having more of a desire and passion to read the gospel more and have a better understanding of Scripture so I can better my relationship with God. And this goes also with having more of a desire and passion to share the gospel with people with boldness and love. 

Corrin: My goal this summer was to learn to depend on God in uncertainty. I believe I have been taught a lot about the way that is supposed to look. Depending on God means spending more time in the Word. That requires not just reading but also studying. In moments where I have felt weak, God has shown His strength by bringing to mind the Scripture I have spent the time to think about. In a way, I have completed my goal for this summer, but this is also a goal I will continue to pursue for the rest of my life. 

Gibson: My goal this summer was to help the missionaries with whatever they needed. I think I have helped out to the best of my ability. 

Lauren: My goal this summer was to see how God would work in my life. A lot of time, I am too focused on achieving a specific task that I will miss the point of my going. I would say I have followed my plan of letting God guide me through this summer in Uganda. I have seen Him do some incredible things and I am desperate to continue to release my own control to Him. 

Luis: Yes, I achieved it. I asked God to send me someone to minister to and to learn the Acholi culture and language from, and God sent me Paul. I asked God to send more people so Paul would not be alone, and God saved two of our friends on the farm, whose names are Nelson and Chals. God has answered all of my prayers and even surpassed my expectations. The summer is not done yet, and I know God is about to do something great still. 

Lydia: My primary goal this summer was to learn better what the phrase “yet not I but through Christ in me” means. I’ve had to do a lot of uncomfortable things since arriving in Uganda, including sitting in silence with people I did not know and who didn’t really speak the same language as me. Walking to the kitchen most of my days has not been easy, but it’s helped me realize that I needed to be a friend and encouragement to the people I met while I was there. It isn’t about how awkward I feel or how badly I want to be comfortable; it’s about being a city on a hill. 

Rena: My goal this summer was to learn more about culture and to create friendships with the Acholi people. I have spent a lot of time with the Acholi people, and I’ve learned so much from them regarding their culture and themselves as individuals. I can proudly say that I achieved my goals for the summer, and I’ve created memories I will have forever.