The Timothy Project – 2025 Conference Schedule
Monday, May 5th
8:30am Registration *
9:00 SESSION 1: Chad Hunsberger – Acts 16
10:45 BREAK *
11:15 SESSION 2: Matthew Spandler-Davison – Philippians 1
12:30pm Lunch Provided *
1:45 BREAKOUT 1 *
3:00 SESSION 3: Greg Belser – Philippians 2
4:30 Dismiss
Tuesday, May 6th
8:30am Registration *
9:00 SESSION 4: Jason Cook – Philippians 3
10:45 BREAK *
11:15 BREAKOUT 2
12:30pm Lunch Provided *
1:45 BREAKOUT 3 *
3:00 SESSION 5: Robert Smith – Philippians 4
4:30 Dismiss
*exhibit hall, book store, & snacks open
Conference Breakout Sessions
Breakout Session 1
Monday, 05/05, 1:45pm
Practical Wisdom for Biblical Preaching
Robert Smith
Sit under the teaching of Dr. Smith, renowned professor of preaching, to learn more about the heart of the pastor, sermon preparation, and delivery.
Shepherding Your Church
Jess Dilley
Tools and strategies for overseeing, leading, and caring for God’s people
Building a Volunteer Culture
Jerry Welch
How to build a healthy environment where people feel called to serve and are highly encouraged and accountable.
Basics of Women's Ministry
Staci Caldwell
Have you ever wondered why a church should have a women’s ministry? If so, join this breakout session to learn the why’s and how’s behind building a women’s ministry committed to making disciples.
Sunday School/Small Groups: Hospitality Matters
Dwayne Parker
Hospitality is the friendly and generous reception of others, and nowhere does this matter more than with guests. This session will look at ways to greet, welcome, and assimilate guests into your group.
Ministering in a Gender-Confused World
Evan Lenow
Living in a world that struggles to define male and female creates a unique set of challenges for ministry. Join us to explore what Scripture says about gender and how to answer some of today's most difficult questions.
Contemporary Topics in Children's Ministry
Donna Peavey
Dive into the ever-evolving landscape of children's ministry and discover innovative strategies to nurture and inspire the next generation
Developing a Timeless Student Ministry in a Tik Tok World
Zach DePriest
Join us as we look at how engaging parents in ministry can bring about real change in a fast paced and consumer driven generation.
Reaching the Unreached: Balancing the Great Imbalance
Ministry Partner
What is the Great Imbalance, and how do I tackle that along with all the other ministries of the local church?
Writing Songs for Your Church
Aaron Keyes
Explore the idea of writing powerful, biblically-grounded songs that resonate with your congregation and honor God.
AVL Breakout (Venue Tour)
Brandon Holbrook
Behind-the-scenes tour and discussion of the practical implications of the ministry of AVL
Keys to Resiliency
Eric Willis
How to thrive through difficult seasons of life and ministry
Breakout Session 2
Tuesday, 05/06, 11:15am
Elders: Scriptural Basis and Practical Insights
Chad Hunsberger
What does the Bible tell us about a plurality of leadership in the church? And how do you help lead your church to that end?
Contemporary Topics in Women's Ministry
Staci Caldwell
Women’s ministry is hard and wonderful. Join this breakout session to discuss current issues that plague women’s ministry in the local church…busyness, unclear communication, reaching the next generation, lack of focus…we will talk through these topics and more.
Created in the Image of God: Building a Strong Culture of Life in Your Church
RaShan Frost, Evan Lenow
Discussion of how churches can champion the sanctity of life at every stage and become beacons of hope and compassion in their communities.
Discipling/Mentoring Teens & Young Men
Ken Hunsberger
Discover more about leading teens and young men to authentic manhood through biblical wisdom and meaningful brotherhood.
Coming Alongside Families of Kids with Special Needs
Emily Barber & Betsey Gill
All children are made in God's image, but ministry to children with special needs can be complicated. Come learn more about how you and your church can care well for kids and families with special needs.
Creating a Response Plan for Emergencies and Crises in Children's Ministry
Donna Peavey
Preparing yourself and your team to handle potential emergencies or crises will boost confidence and provide peace for volunteers and parents.
Prioritizing your Marriage in Ministry
Eric & Jennifer Willis
The demands of ministry can take a toll on your marriage. Learn how to make and keep your marriage healthy.
Cultivating Courage: Supporting Teens in a Stress-Filled World
Candi Crawford
Learn how to empower teens with faith-based, practical tools to face stress with courage, resilience, and hope.
Sending Missionaries: What needs to be done?
Tim Hood
Missionaries need many types of support. What do they need and how do we provide it?
Growing & Leading a Worship Team
Aaron Keyes
Learn how to cultivate a vibrant worship team through proven leadership principles, musical excellence, and spiritual development that will transform your Sunday morning experience from a collection of musicians into a unified group of worshippers who lead with authenticity and purpose.
The Church Planting Church
Matthew Spandler-Davison
What kind of church plants churches? Why should your church be a church planting church? And how do we know if our church is ready to do so? Consider key principles to assess a church’s readiness to be an effective church planting church.
Breakout Session 3
Tuesday, 05/06, 1:45pm
Lead Pastor Roundtable
Shawn Parker
Discussion group focused on the joys and challenges of pastoring unique to the senior/lead pastor.
Church Communication Rodeo
Tanner Cade
Don't lose your hat! Whether you're riding the social media trail or taming Sunday morning chaos, this session will help you steer your communication in the right direction.
Women's Ministry Roundtable
Staci Caldwell
Do you have questions about women’s ministry? Bring your questions to the roundtable discussion to gather insight and encouragement from those walking a similar journey.
Championing Adoption & Foster Care Ministry
Ministry Partner
Discover how you and your church can advocate for adoption and foster care while caring for the families involved.
Sunday School/Small Groups Roundtable
Jerry Welch
Discussion group for ministry leaders who are striving to start or grow a Sunday School or small groups ministry.
Living Reconciled - Diversity
Brian Crawford
Learn how to bridge cultural divides, honor diverse perspectives, and create genuine connections through practical tools and transformative dialogue that moves us from tolerance to true reconciliation and unity.
Faithful Cultural Analysis in Today's Times
RaShan Frost
A faithful public witness asks the right questions about pressing cultural issues and then applies an Acts 17 approach to address the idols of the culture.
Preschool & Children's Ministry Roundtable
Emily Barber & Gretchen Mahan
Discussion group for church leaders who are eager to provide an environment for preschoolers, kids, and their leaders to grow in biblical wisdom and faith.
Student Ministry Roundtable
Ford Rigney
Discussion group for student ministry leaders who want to grow a thriving ministry to middle school and high school students.
Caring for Adults who are Facing Mental/Emotional Health Challenges
Preston Crowe
How to compassionately support adults experiencing anxiety and other mental health challenges while developing essential skills in active listening, crisis response, and connecting people with professional resources.
Do Missionaries Need Training?
Ministry Partners
How important is it for missionaries to be trained for the field? Who trains them? What is my role?
Worship Ministry Roundtable
Aaron Keyes
Discussion for worship ministry leaders who are eager to point people to Christ through various modes of worship.